Engineering Hydrology Modules


  • Developer: Dr. Manoj Jha
  • Course: Engineering Hydrology
  • Knowledge Prerequisites: Basic Math and Physics, basic understanding of the process of rainfall-runoff, and Excel
  • Data Tool(s): Excel
  • Module Focus: Analysis of long-term trends of precipitation in different regions and analysis of rainfall-runoff using high-frequency data of rainfall and flow from a storm event.
  • Keywords (Disciplinary-Specific): long-term data, precipitation, runoff-rainfall relationships, flow conditions, storm events
  • Keywords (Data Science):time-series analysis, long-term trends, histogram, plotting, descriptive statistics
module pic

Time-Series Analysis of Precipitation Data Module

Rainfall-Runoff Analysis Using Real-World High-Frequency Data Module

Targeted Data Science Topics and Competencies

  • Data Acquisition (Data Measurment and Data Collection)
    • Demonstrate an ability to identify goal for measurement and collection
  • Data Visualization (Data Communication)
    • Demonstrate an ability to communicate concepts and findings using graphical or tabular representations of data
    • Demonstrate an ability to create a graphical or tabular representation of data

Targeted Data Science Topics and Competencies

  • Data Visualization (Data Communication)
    • Demonstrate an ability to communicate concepts and findings using graphical or tabular representations of data
    • Demonstrate an ability to create a graphical or tabular representation of data
  • Data Use (Statistical Analysis)
    • Demonstrate an ability to compare results of analysis with other findings
  • Data Use (Data Interpretation)
    • Demonstrate an ability to use data to answer clear question by identifying pattern(s) or relationships from complex dataset

Module Materials

Module Materials

Download Time-Series Analysis Module Materials Download Rainfall-Runoff Analysis Module Materials